Church attendance

Hello all!

I was born and raised SDA.

I am absolutely convicted of honoring the Sabbath. My question and thoughts are, can you honor the Sabbath but not attend an SDA church?

I moved states to be closer to my parents and in the process met my husband. The SDA churches here haven’t been my cup of tea per se. I miss my old church as it was super scripture based. I find the churches I have visited not off base but more or less story telling with little scripture.

Looking for a church with community and like minded individuals. But if I don’t attend SDA church and go to a Sunday church, is it bad?

I have visited a few first day churches and they seem to have great community. But obviously some of the teachings are not in alignment with what i believe.

But I’m at the point where do i even bother going to church anymore? I have a child that I want to raise right but not be confused.

And extra question, why do most Christians truly feel the Lord’s day is Sunday? Why did they take a verse and basically just denounce the 7th day Sabbath?

Thanks in advance!