How do you muster up the the confidence to be self employed?
Are there any women on here who are well employed as a coach or coach? How do you have the confidence to run a successful business? I’ve had a consulting business for 5 years now. It waivers in the beginning because I got a bunch of clients without really trying, but some then the business has kind of been dying slowly and now it’s completely dead. I don’t have the confidence to actually market myself and work to get clients. Every contract I get I feel like an imposter and I don’t feel like I’m qualified enough or smart enough for them to trust me with xyz, despite a 20+ year career in my field. I’m at the point where I need to rebrand my business and actually go after jobs because I need to bring in money. My husband supports the household, but I have never felt comfortable not bringing in any income and I feel like deep down he resents me for it. And I don’t want to get a typical 9-5 desk because well…ADHD. And I have kids in sports and other activities in the afternoon that I need to transport them to. So I would need an employer to be very flexible. So I feel like my only option is to try to revive my consulting business. Anyway for those with consulting or coaching businesses how do you get over the self doubt and sell loathing?