Officially diagnosed. Questions.
I had an ultrasound in January which the results said my uterus was enlarged, and that my uterus resembled someone with adenomyosis. The NP said that I did not have it though because it was likely from having children.
Today I had a Pap smear and my first mammogram and I asked my gyno today about the ultrasound results. He said it says in the report that I do have adenomyosis. He did say my uterus wasn’t that enlarged and the adenomyosis wasn’t that bad.
I get bad ovulation pain (which is why I got the ultrasound). I also get cramps AFTER my period ends, never before or during anymore.
He said adenomyosis is common. He asked if I felt it was bad enough to get a hysterectomy, I told him no. My question is… does it worsen? I am fairly sure I’ve had it for a long time and was constantly told my cycles were long/heavy (they’re not anymore but use to be so bad) and I was told it was normal and just given birth control.
My 2nd question is… is it that common? He said it was common and kind of made it seem like it wasn’t too much of a big deal (he did not say that, just felt like that).
Has anyone’s not been that bad? Anyone symptoms not that bad? Anyone’s worsen?