Can you be immune to addiction?

So I’ve been doing different types of drugs since middle school. They told me it was ecstasy pills but I was in middle school and it was 2$ a pill idk. I did them for a year then summer came and obviously had to stop but I never felt addicted. Started smoking in high school and ik ppl say u can’t get addicted to weed. But it was constant till I got in a relationship and she told me to stop which I did very easily. I’ve done shrooms acid dmt but never really got addicted to them just liked them. Now I’m doing coke & the more I do it because it’s not constant just when I can afford it but I’m never feening for more when it’s gone maybe after a day or so but I get over it. It sounds ridiculous but is it possible to just be immune to addiction? Rn I’m running low I could get more but I kinda don’t want to just to see if I’ll desperately need it? To me it’s not to escape just boredom. Just to feel a different way about life. But with all those pills and different drugs I’ve done I’ve never like idk desperately wanted more even though I had the money and I could easily find dealers. Just wondering if there’s someone else out there who understands & can tell me maybe I’m “immune” or what tbh. I’m experienced doing a variety of drugs but that’s it doing em not really everything around them. I’ve met addicts before and seen what it could do if you let it control you to much. Idk maybe I have to much self control self awareness or idk maybe it’s bc I do these things just to do it not really because it’s a need in my life.