Can anyone confirm my suspicions?

I have suspected someone in my life has been doing drugs for a while. When confronted a couple summers ago they admitted to dabbling in some things and said they’d get clean. Whether they did or didn’t is something I’ll never know but over the past 7-8 months their behavior has changed. I found some text messages on their device to what appears to be their drug dealer. I was just hoping someone could tell me what drug it is. I’m about 99% sure it’s crack cocaine- but I’ve searched the home high and low and can’t find any typical paraphernalia. Can crack be snorted? Injected? Could this be another name for heroin? The pain pills are obvious throughout the messages. I will post some screenshots. I edited them quite a bit just for anonymity. I don’t think they use reddit but just in case. This person hasn’t been confronted yet.