My(F28) wife (F27) intentionally cuts the stuff we bought together in half because she says she’s entitled to half of it. What do I do?

This video is just one of the things that she does. I had to cut the video because it’s too long to post.

She tries to take back everything she has given me, she hides my stuff that are important and says she didn’t take it, she broke the door from our bedroom, and she’s accusing me of hurting her when I have not. It was an accident. While she was literally cutting the blanket that we bought together in half(on the video), I played along and was folding the blanket in half to make sure I’m getting half, because I wanted to sleep with at least a little bit of the blanket, and I accidentally grazed her face with the blanket. You will see on the video the whole scenario of how it went down but I did apologized and I said it was an accident. But she’s making it seem to everyone that I hurt her. When in reality, she’s the one who hurts me. The last time she hurt me and I fought back in self defense, she says do I have a proof. She’s been out to get me demoted from my job. She said so herself, multiple times. As for my wallet, with all my cards and military ID To get into the base, I know she took it. Before I went into the bedroom, 15 mins before I realized it was gone because I was going to leave, I saw my wallet on top of the table in the living room. The fight started in the living room, and I know my wallet was on the table because I was fixated on it while she was talking. But when I went out to grab it, it was gone. This was not the first time she did this. She did this with my ID before, just no way of proving it, but I know she did. I’m trying to get away but this woman is making it impossible to do so. I hate myself for having to be on defensive mode all the time and reacting. I just want peace of mind and this woman is too much. I want to leave, but our situation is kind of difficult at the moment. What can I do when she does things like this in the meanwhile? What can I do when she accuses me, what can I do when she manipulates situations, what can I do when she ruins the stuff we bought together and cuts it in half, in her mind she’s entitled to half so it doesn’t matter if she damages the half. It’s just crazy, and I feel I’m going crazy.