Ability Arena Bug Megathread

Please report bugs in this thread. Once we've replicated it ourselves, we will add it to our confirmed list.

In order organize things a big better, please use the following format for reporting bugs. Keep in mind that custom games do not have replays.

Category: (Gods, Spells, UI, Tooltips, Crashing, Website, Other)

Description: Tell us what the issue is.

Steps to Reproduce: Tell us how to replicate this bug

(Optional) MatchID: Get the MatchID from our website

(Optional) Screenshot/Video: Take a screenshot or video

(Optional) System Specs: If applicable, please include your CPU, GPU, and monitor resolution


  • Reconnecting to a game will sometimes not work. This is unfortunately a Valve issue. We have contacted them and are awaiting a response.
  • Sometimes a hero will not attack. Seems to happen more often in early rounds.
  • Cannot move heroes sometimes (caused by latest Diretide patch)