Eisel was weirdly fixated with racial differences towards the beginning of his YouTube 'career'

This was just interesting to read since he went so hard against Ask Yourself & his friend Cory a long time ago for being dumb enough to buy into genetic racial differences being the cause of IQ differences.

I also think high crime rates in black communities is just a mix of poverty, more policing, historic housing segregation, culture, & more, but not genetic.

The biggest genetic differences among humans aren't even between white and black people; they're between black people in Africa because the 'out of Africa dispersal' was a smaller number of people than those who stayed. But even among Africans, the genetic difference is just stuff like a tribe of smaller people compared to a tribe of taller people, etc.



queenkid1: There are issues with Soylent exclusively being used for food aid. The fact is, people still have a stigma towards liquid food, and replacing food aid with it could be seen as removing the joy of eating from less fortunate people.

PurposeUnknown: To the people actually receiving the food, I don't think enjoyment is their highest concern...

ABasLeCiel: Explaining the concept of soylent to someone with an IQ of 72 (the average in sub-Saharan Africa) would be..... somewhat difficult.

Berggeist: an IQ of 72 in what setting and tests? IQ is relative not absolute. Perhaps you could tell us some dope phrenology facts next.

ABasLeCiel: The same settings as applied to every other population group in the meta-analyses I've studied.


I know this is blasphemy to some, but isn't it extremely likely that human biodiversity doesn't just apply to blood type, height, bone structure, hair color etc....

Berggeist: boy oh boy it sure is interesting that when it's cited it's in studies about the effects of malnutrition or economic well being rather than "these people are dumb on a genetic level". You're putting the cart before the horse you numbskull. How's your own IQ doing these days?

ABasLeCiel: Your grammar is appalling. Please work on this.

Berggeist: it took you two months to come up with this? sorry kiddo, you get the effort from me you deserve



tdogg8: My point is you specified black neighborhoods instead of high poverty neighborhoods. One has a very racist tone to it, the other is more descriptive.

ABasLeCiel: Adjusting for poverty, black neighborhoods are still the most violent and criminal. Hispanics have a similar poverty rate (21% vs 24% for blacks) yet Hispanic neighborhoods are drastically safer http://i.imgur.com/p3dysgD.jpg

Blacks are only 2.7 x more likely to be in poverty than the general population, yet they are 7x more likely to commit homicide commit homicide and 4x more likely to kill their own children http://imgur.com/R4AWyvL http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/homicide/children.cfm#kidsrts

Poverty clearly isn't the reason here. Genetic and cultural differences are much more likely.

tdogg8: Fuck off ya racist cunt.

ABasLeCiel: Because hard numbers taken from official government crime statistics are soooo racist.
