DId anyone else find the in-game dialogue pacing for 1.5 to be awful?
I found the in-game dialogue pacing in 1.5 to be abysmal? Character dialogue during combat and exploration were often painfully cut short by scene transitions or combat ending. During the climax, I had no less than 3(!) monologues by Evelynn, Astra, and Lady De Winter cut off by simply playing the game at a basic level. The most egregious instance was certainly Evelynn's, who has an important character moment while reactivating the towers... except half of the lines are cut off because so few enemies oppose you. This leaves you with 2 choices: sandbag combat by sitting on your thumbs to hear the speech in full, or play as normal and look up the lines on the wiki or youtube after the fact; neither instance does the story any credit. Work needs to be done on Hoyo's part to not to do the story and VA's a disservice.