I think the Elma Amy ark's gonna end soon.
If you look at the Gekkou live footage you can see the story from Amy's perspective. Basically his life flashed before his eyes the moment he was dieing, and he deeply regrets committing suicide. His last word are "Elma, I will go meet you. Even in the next life, I will never forget you." That's probably what they mean by 'even if I forget I'll remember you' in Nautilus lyrics. And then the dvd footage ends, goes back to the start page, and plays Yorushika’s inst track 'Zense' which means previous life, which is probably a connection to the Zense live, which talks about a painter who has memories of Amy, which implies that this painter is Amy's reincarnation. The painter is in his early 20s btw so Elma is probably at least in her 40s since Elma and Amy met at about 27. Then comes the new live they did on the new album (I was physically there) this time which talks about the painter again, all the paintings you see on the offical album art book is his work and depiction of the dancing animals that came to his house one day. And it ends with him remembering that he has to go meet Elma (I'm not pretty sure about this part. It ended by saying "This emptiness in my heart... I can't describe it.. It's as if... as if... I forgot something very important... yes.. I was forgetting something... how could have I not remembered until now...?) And my prediction is that the next or second next album is probably gonna be the end of the Elma Amy ark, and it's gonna end with Amy reuniting with Elma again. What do you guys think?