Favorite Simple skeleton flows

Hi wonderful yogis.

Lately I feel like I am trying to fit too much into a single class, with long sequences that are often hard to memorize, (though I’m pretty good at challenging myself to do so).

Because my sequences end up being long, complex and incorporate too many asanas, I feel like my classes: 1. don’t leave room for repetition, which I know can be calming/soothing to the mind, and 2. They don’t feel cohesive, and actually feel chaotic and too unstructured to my own mind. Does that make any sense?

Oh, I often also end up not leaving enough time for floor sequences and cool down, and find myself racing against the clock to cram in some final asanas before savasana.

I naturally do struggle with structure / organization, and although I do have a wonderful group of regulars, I’m starting to not enjoy teaching as much because it just feels so chaotic in my sleep deprived mind. (I’m also a new mom and baby isn’t sleeping so great.)

SO, I have decided to put my intention into challenging myself to cut WAY back on the number of poses offered in each class, leaving room to repeat simple flows and perhaps add a little something here and there, sort of like a ladder flow.

  1. Does anyone else struggle with this same problem?
  2. Does anyone have any wonderful simple skeleton structures for sequences they’d like to share for those who are looking to simply?
  3. Also just curious - how many times do you repeat a sequence during your classes?

I’m almost embarrassed to asked because this seems like it should be easy, but in fact it feels very hard.

Thanks so much!