I ended the manga today, and wanted to share some thoughts

I'm kinda late, i've read the whole thing an year after it ended. Absolutely bamboozled by the ending.

It's not bad, i mean, in the end we see the two of them being in love, but really? I totally get the meaning of an open/not close ending, and i'm fine with it, but for me this manga did NOT deserve an open ending.

It's not really fitting with the whole story, just think about it. Everything is set in a way that makes you think all the mysteries will eventually come out. Every problem is overcome, and every character had its motivations clear to do what they did.

I don't understand how can an author change so much his work while working on it: at the beginning is a straight up rom-com, almost a slice of life kind of work. The ending is a heavy and unclear thing.

Every author has the right to make whatever they want with their work, but I can't grasp the meaning of that ending. I loved the story, the characters, the drawings, the overall vibe that makes one fall in love with the night.

I wanted to know what do you think about it.