Should I read crooked kingdom?

This post has spoilers for Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, and King of Scars.

Yesterday I finally finished reading Six of Crows which has been on my tbr for A LONG TIME. Now I don’t really like Bardugo’s books. I definitely didn’t like shadow and bone (which i posted a huge rant about before) but everyone said I should give Six of Crows a chance. Well, I did and I didn’t hate it actually. It was enjoyable and full of tension but also….I did NOT like Kaz. Or Jesper. Or Wylan. And Inej was fine (I started to like her more after she climbed 6 stories). Out of everyone though, I liked Kaz the least. Why? Because he’s so loved and I just don’t…see why? His backstory is sad, I get it, but his personality is so bland and boring and I feel like his romance with Inej later on just carries his whole character. Yet I still rated this book a 4 (maybe 4.5?) Why? Because MATTHIAS AND NINA. I LOVED THEM. I loved them so much I’ve never loved a book couple like them. Not only did I love their romance, I loved their individual characters and personality. ESPECIALLY MATTHIAS. Their Povs were the only interesting ones (along with Inej.)

But uh guess what! I found out Matthias dies. In the second book. And even worse? Nina ends up with someone else in the King of Scars duology. The second fact just made it so much worse. Personally, this sucks for me. Not just Matthias’s death, but Nina’s new romance. So now I’m discouraged from reading Crooked Kingdom. I know it’ll have a lot of their moments, but also I don’t even care for the other characters. So should I finish the series? All I know is that I’m definitely not reading King of Scars and Crooked Kingdom might be my last Leigh Bardugo book. I’m disappointed because she’s a really popular author, and I’m extra disappointed that Six of Crows wasn’t a 5 stars for me.

Please tell me if I should read the Crooked Kingdom, and if so why. If I do, I’ll post an in depth review/rant on everything lol.

Thank you!