Xennial parenting / screen time conundrum

Piggybacking off someone's post in this sub from yesterday asking what our generations parenting defect is. I want to ask how Xennial parents are dealing with tweens and screentime? I have two girls - ages 12 and 10 - and within the past year their access to screentime has increased. Some of this is games (like Roblox, which I am OK with) and some of this is access to YouTube (which I am not okay with and try to monitor). I try to give them time limits, and I love exercising my parental right of telling them to "go outside." And they do have sports and other hobbies. But I feel like a total broken record telling them to get off their tablets. When I think back to when I was their age, I remember the hours upon hours I played Nintendo and Game Boy. Like to the point where I played so much Tetris that when I closed my eyes I saw the game shapes. And then when I was a little older and we got a computer I was of course on that. And I turned out ok! I guess what I am looking for is how people balance the following: tweens/teens on screens; the reality of a non-zero presence of internet and social media in their lives; how to save my sanity by not constantly reminding them to get off their screen. Etc.

Asking this group rather than a parenting group because 1) Xennials are awesome and 2) we DID have screens in our life! But we also had more exposure to boredom and the world, LOL