Is the pre-season battle pass worth it?

I want to buy the battle pass but I have been contemplating if I should wait and buy the battle pass of season 1 or the the current pre-season?

I have completed all the levels of the current battle pass so buying it now won't hurt me either. The only reason thats stopping me is that I use a MP7 and ACR and I have a mastery skin for both. I don't want to use any other skins for them and neither does the battle pass have anything for them specifically that stands out. I also only use Echelon so there's nothing that really stands out in the battle pass for Echelon either.

I found the pre-season battle pass to be quite average if I am being honest. But since I have completed the tiers, it won't harm me in anyway because regardless of it, I'm gonna buy the season 1 battle pass.

That being said, I could only complete the current tiers because I have time on my hand to play since it's vacation time for me but I won't be having so much time compared to now in about a month, which again makes it difficult to complete the battle pass.

Kinda confused with this being my situation. Let me know what are your thoughts on it. Thanks!