Saying a character has "low pull value" isn't about dissing the character.

Seems like Mama mia is bringing so much discourses and it's quite the common ones. People who play for meta say she is low value. People who love her say they pull for her and "meta slave" should stop malding about 30 stars. Meta players get angry. Everyone get angry.

The truth is. No one really cares who you pull for or why. It's a single player Gacha game with some low multi-player efforts. Your accounts. Your choices.


When someone come in reddit/discord and ask, "Should I pull for X character?"

They don't want to hear "Pull for who you like." They already know that lol.

If they made the efforts of writing a reddit post. It's because they don't just want to pull for a character they like. They want a character that is worth it.

In this kind of post. People should give clear objective answer. So or so is worth it or not worth it because so or so reason.

The goal is to give all information necessary to the OP so that they can make an informed choices. If OP decide to pull because of love then he will do so knowing the flaw and won't feel blindsided.

There is nothing worse than pulling for a character you like but realizing they are clunky or problematic or weak. It feels bad.

This isn't about hating a character or acting like they are worthless.

At the end of the day. No character is actually worth it. You would need to clear tower for years with the same team to actually ROI the pulls spent on the full team lol. But sometimes. People want bigger numbers/comfier rotation.

Example: I skipped Zezhi once. But pulled her this time because of Carlotta. But when I tested her with Jinshi I was like. Damn. I have been missing out.

I don't know what Rocca future will be. Pull for her if you like. But do so after knowing her strength and weaknesses.

I tried pulling for her but at 70+ still nothing. So I will just save the pity for the Sexy pirate or squishy nun.