What are the best fanfics involving a worm-verse character being sent to another world?
As Title says. Fics where canon worm characters are in other worlds, fictional or otherwise.
For example,
Point Me At The Skyrim - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/point-me-at-the-skyrim-ward-x-elder-scrolls.818454/#post-64226583
Post Ward Victoria is in Skyrim, (haven't read it yet but it is on The Listtm)
Deliverance - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13479009/1/Deliverance
Post Worm Taylor ends up in Skyrim. I have read this one.
The Weaving Force - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-weaving-force-worm-sw-pseudo-post-gm.1058679/
Canon Worm characters end up in the Star Wars universe a number of years before the Clone Wars begin. Has been pretty good so far, really enjoyed the Worm canon characters learning about each other outside of Earth Bet's Cape Culture