Maneuvers auction: 3710 players eligible & previous winning bid (NA server)

Maneuvers event concluded on Sunday (there were no bans) and its Vehicle Auction is open already (you've got one week). This is a follow up to March Maneuvers post.

If you didn't place high enough (2101th position and lower) on the Personal Leaderboard but collected at least 1000 Fame Points here are numbers/facts to consider before placing your bid. As a reminder there is single auction pool (bid is for a right to choose from vehicles if successful). If you win the auction, I wouldn't pick M60 (always available in bond store for 15000 bonds) or 116-F3 (prime candidate for next Tour of Duty vehicle; also not very good).

eligible players: 3710

auction spots: 750

Previous Maneuvers relevant numbers:

campaign date auction spots eligible players minimum winning bid
Maneuvers March 2024 750 3660 approx. 27000 bonds

Source for minimum winning bid is amount reported on this subreddit.

Note that there is a brand new reward vehicle ST-62 Version 2 available, number of eligible players is higher (50 more) than in March competing for same amount of auction spots.

All numbers in this post are for NA server (EU folks would need to do their own homework)!