My manager’s behavior towards me makes me uncomfortable. Is this normal or am I overreacting?

I (26f)work at a grocery store. I have been in my department for about 6 months but at the store for 4 years.

My manager(35m, MARRIED) was always very nice to me but seemed to gravitate towards me a little too much. He would just kind of always be where I was and most of the time I would be working while he would just be standing around talking to me but I tried not to think much of it.

As time went on it got to the point where other coworkers would be asking each other “what’s going on there?” And it started to really stress me out but I didn’t want to be “rude” to my manager because I don’t like to be mean, and he always talks about how he cuts peoples hours he doesn’t like and I could not afford to lose any of my hours. He started scheduling me at the exact same time as him always and would tell me he was sad and didn’t like working if I wasn’t there. I told him that I’d like to just go to work to do my job but he never backed off.

He started texting me a lot ( nothing inappropriate) but it was like constant and he would complain that I didn’t text back

Last week he was leaving work and asked if he could just sit in my car with me on my break and I said okay. It was really awkward and I felt uncomfortable but didn’t speak up.

For awhile he was saying that something was bothering him but he couldn’t talk to me about it at work so asked if I would go to lunch with him after work. He told me that his wife is jealous cause all he does it talk about me at home and he’s always texting me. He mentioned that I was “cute as hell” and then said “but you don’t like me like that right” and I said no. he then told me that he gets jealous when I talk to my male coworker friend. He told me that a coworker had spread a rumor a few months ago that we were sleeping together but he didn’t tell me until just now because he didn’t want me to leave the department.. I told him I should’ve been informed about this and he admitted he didn’t tell me for selfish reasons.

One time we were in the cooler and he made me look him in the eyes and pinky promise I would not date my coworker. I knew it was weird but just said ok.

My last straw was him sending me a screenshot from one of my coworkers to him asking if he could go home early on my day off. He said “so are you guys hanging out or is this just a crazy coincidence”. I finally said he crossed a line and that it was weirding me out that he is so possessive over what I’m doing. And it was a reach bc I have no idea why my coworker asked to go home early, I wasn’t involved in anything to do with that.

Am I overrracting or this weird behavior ? I feel too uncomfortable to go back to work and just want to transfer out of the store at this point. I have always been nice as I am nice to everyone I work with. I have never given him any signs that I was interested. I was just always nice.