Why don't they remove tonsils more frequently from young people ?

Why was tonsil and adenoid removal common in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s? I had read an article that said that in a small town in Vermont, 80 percent of children had this surgery around the 1960s/70s. My parents wanted my sister to have tonsil and adenoid surgery because she had had two sore throats, and so the doctor, who also knew me, wanted me to have tonsil and adenoid surgery even though I didn't need it, so when I was 6 years old I had them removed along with my sister on the same day. Even though I didn't need them, it should be said that I never had a sore throat and tonsil infections, it occurs to me why don't they put mandatory removal of tonsils and adenoids in children? And why don't they remove them more frequently now as they used to?