Lochlan and his sexuality...
... is whatever it is, BUT i've seen it to many times now, can we please stop usling Lochlan Checking Out His Brother as a valid reason to why people think he is gay?! A gay person does NOT check out their siblings even if they happen to be the same sex that they are attracted to. The same way me as straight female would NEVER check out my brothers butt or his dick when he's going to masturbate (!!!) or vice versa.
This whole narrative feels like its getting spinned (upd. getting spinned by redditors, this vad nothing to do with the show or the showwriters/creators etc) towards the way insecure, straight people would refuse to hang out with the not straight person out of fear of getting hit on by the same sex thinking for some reason gay people gets turned on by everybody of the same sex...
TLDR: Lochlan checking out his brother is not a 'gay or not question', its a pure 'incest or what is going on' question
Update - Some people seem to have missinterpreted the mening of my post and I see why some do. Its not about the writing of the show at all, what the writers will do with the story is probably going to be great, as always. Its not about the tvshow in itself, its about real life people, like here on reddit, writing comments about the show and specifially the topic ive brought up here.