I want too run for Governor

I am currently a man in my early 20’s when I turn 30 I want to run for Governor of West Virginia I am tired of the corruption and our state not really doing anything I want too fix and change things and help deal with the homelessness problem and the drug issue in our state as well as help counter poverty I have some ideas that I think could really work unless I should try too become part of the state legislature? What do you guys think

I edited this post so that people can see some thing I’d be interested in doing since no one bothered too ask me or anything instead of focusing on my grammar or thinking this is a joke which is ridiculous in my opinion these are some of these I have more but I wanna do more research

-Legalization of marijuana

-maybe try too restrict opium

-reform how we treat and deal with drugs I feel like we need too focus more on fighting against drug dealers, producers and distributors and I propose the idea for state rehab centers where instead of sending addicts and those possessing in prison we could send them instead too a state rehab center where they could get the proper help needed as well as educational opportunities and job/career training and opportunities and we stop making drug possession a felony and make it a minor crime while actually hammering down against drug dealers, possessors and distributors

-homelessness is merely getting worse I propose a Housing first program as well as public housing too try and combat it as well as possibly a career training program

-propose a sales tax on both tobacco and alcohol of 30 percent it would bring in more revenue for the state

-I propose raising the corporate tax too 25 percent

-I propose a sugar tax of 15 percent too try and combat obesity as well as introduce a soft drink tax

-I propose putting subsidies on family farms, Small Businesses, pharmaceuticals and towards the manufacturing industry

-put more investment into education and infrastructure

-use natural gas and coal revenue too create a dividend of 1,550 Dollars for all West Virginian citizens 20 years old and older as a way too help with poverty and unemployment

-subsidize and invest more into renewable energy

-reform the zoning laws too try and get housing costs lowered as well as attempting too incentivize local government too repurpose city owned properties for housing and allow Ancillary dwelling units and try too fight against corporate investment into single family homes and try too get more public and social housing as well as subsidized apartments

-increase police training and establish a independent committee too investigate police instead of the police investigating themselves

-raise teacher pay

-subsidize community college too make it more affordable

-increase minimum wage too 10.25 an hour

-invest more into nuclear energy

-invest more into cleaning up our water and invest more into natural parks

-LGBTQ+ protections in the work place

-improve worker rights in general like sick pay and longer maternity leave

-increase parents authority in education

-introduce a four day work week and better worker rights

-a 60 percent Wealth income tax on those making 100 million dollars or more as well as removing the state income tax

-I want too replace property taxes with land value tax

-I also think healthcare reform is something we need too work on as well as medical education we aren’t exactly the best and people go outside a lot for major stuff and I think that’s sad so I think we should try too improve our medical education and try too get the best doctors we can I just don’t know how so I’d have too do further research on that