This is how much the new recent feed hurts creators.
Earlier this year Webtoons changed how the recent feed on the front page worked. Before, any comic that the user was subscribed to would appear on the recent feed when it updated. Now if a user hasn't interacted with the comic or it hasn't updated in over a month it disappears from that feed.
I knew their update to the recent feed would be bad for creators, but now I have undeniable proof on HOW bad it hurts. I recently came off from a hiatus on my comic, and due to the change in the recent feed I went from 45,000 pageviews an update (even after a significant break) to 3,800.
I understand how important it is to be consistently updating as a creator. But sometimes we HAVE to breaks for our health, mental wellbeing, or other reasons.
I just posted a feedback request on Webtoon's upvoty requesting the old recent feed be brought back. Please consider upvoting my post so we can possibly get the old recent feed reinstated. Or possibly have Webtoons consider a solid alternative to what they currently have. Thanks!
Here's the link where can upvote this request: