Starting a "Movie Share" club where I recommend a movie based on your Letterboxd Top 4/Activity (and you do the same) and we each have a week to watch under penalty of torture/public shaming.
One of my pet peeves is when I recommend a movie to someone and they never watch it. The problem is I'm absolutely guilty of this too.
So, I want to start a "rec share" club (thing?). Here's how it works:
1) Someone volunteers to be open to a recommendation below and links their lettrboxd account 2) I make a recommendation based on your Top 4/Activity 3) You do the same for me (I'll respond with my profile) 4) We both agree to watch it within 7 days (or something like that) 5) We then both review the movies recommended to us and tag it with something on lettrboxd (dunno what yet) 6) If either of us bails, public shaming (not genuine but y'know, some good natured ribbing) 7) Optional: before the other person watches/rates, we make a guess as to what the other person will rate the movie as and compare against their actual ranking (honour system for now; don't reveal your guess until they've reviewed)
Anyone down? Would be fun to get into a lengthy discussion, too (a lot of this is just a way to talk AT LENGTH about movies but not in discord or on reddit which just only kinda works)