Is season 16 coming out this year, someone told they’re currently filming Waterloo road season 17
I hope we don’t have to wait until next year, I love it. I’m not sure if I should’ve done this but I binged watched all 8 episodes. I binged watched 3-4 episodes last year but never done all 8 in a day. I half watched it up until the last two years, it was so good last year, I couldn’t wait for this year’s season. It was good, I prefer last season but still obsessed with it.
I hope they do two seasons this year again instead of us having to wait for till 2026 for season 16 and 2027 for season 17.
Bets on how long the new head teacher will last. She’s made it through a season but not a full academic year yet. I read she’s supposed to last quite a bit whether that’s true or not that… well compared to the last head.
Devastated Amy left though, Stella absolutely should not have sacked her and certainly wouldn’t be allowed to do it the way she did, glad she got a new job though.
Can’t believe that Coral chose Nisha to take her place while she’s on maternity leave. It’s good though because that means there’s gonna be more chaos next season than this season has had… hopefully but she’s like the least unprofessional teacher I’ve seen since watching.
Izzy’s back… oh there’s definitely gonna to be some kinda drama going off with her because it looks like she’s staying at least for season 16. I’m excited. I should stop getting myself excited because as much as I hope it will come back soon. It probably won’t,
Random question: Do you think they’ll bring Ackley Bridge back like they brought Waterloo Road back. I loved both of those shows but Ackley Bridge definitely went downhill after Missy died and Nas left for Uni