Universal Healthcare in Washington State

Hello all,

If you're like me, you've struggled with healthcare costs, fighting your insurance company, and dealt with claim denials for procedures that should be covered. The system we have is NOT working. Costs continue to rise, insurance companies continue to deny, and we are left picking up the pieces.

If you're a resident of Washington State, I have wonderful news. There are two bills in the state legislature, 1 currently in the house and 1 currently in the senate that would provide comprehensive healthcare (healthcare, vision, dental, etc)!

If you're a current Washington State resident, you can write to your legislatures and tell them to support this bill! The website below makes it very easy to submit your support and write a note to your representatives. Simply click on "send a comment to your legislatures about this bill". It will ask you to put in your address so it can verify your reps and then tell all of them that you want these bills supported!

House Bill: https://app.leg.wa.gov/BillSummary/?BillNumber=1445&Year=2025&Initiative=false

Senate Bill: https://app.leg.wa.gov/BillSummary/?BillNumber=5233&Year=2025&Initiative=false#documentSection

You can learn more about the initiative at https://wholewashington.org/