If you didn't already know, Activision is messing with stats.

I might start recording my gameplay because this is getting cartoonishly silly.

I've got 500 hours, I win most games but obviously most are bots or new players. NOT bragging just trying to say I know the mechanics of the game and all it's weapons.

Came across a new player who would stand still and shoot. Two shots from this person brought me to one shot. I retreated l, armored up and flanked. I had a Blue Jackal at the time, none of my shots missed and I emptied all but 8 rounds into them. Still alive and armored. Two shots back at me I'm one shot. I retreat and repeat finally taking him out after one entire mag of a Jackal and a follow up of 2 - 3 round burst shots from the blue swat 5.56 I had.

I've noticed this for a bit and mostly just delt with it as a handicap. However since the last mini update this has been cracked to extreme.

It's like I'm playing borderlands against bullet sponges and their playing wack a mole but there's only one mole and you have to hit it 3 times.

Still gonna play till delta force comes out or arena breakout has controller support..

But it's shitty really.

It feels good to lose to a good player in BR vice versa but not this ai handicap so the other player doesn't feel bad is quite crazy.