The M247 Is Extremely Under-Rated

The m247 failed miserably in real life because it keeps locking onto friendly planes and the project was cancelled, now those poor things are being used as target practice for strikers. The m247 also isn't popular in-game and there were barley any posts about it being good, mostly comments about how everything sucked. At first before purchase I thought that it was probably very bad, but after playing a few 9.0 rounds it was AMAZING. 5+ planes kills and a couple of tank kills per game, one could say the only thing limiting the number of kills is the amount of plane the enemy spawns. After destroying planes with HE I got the M822 and brought it to 10.7 to accompany my Abrams. At first I thought I would be bad as I brought it 1.7BR higher but it performed just fine. With an average of 3 plane kills (mostly bold su-25s) and couple of afv kills (even 1 T-80UD) per round, it was out standing. I played over 100 matches and it rarely failed me with the search and lock radar system. Overall the tank deserves more love and is good in all situations like the xm800t and should be appreciated.