Cyte-09 invisibility sucks
Anyone else doesn’t enjoy how the invisibility of cyte-09 works? In general I hate having to aim to weakspots since most of my weapons one-tap an enemy wherever I hit him, but I also need to constantly be aiming to weakspots to keep the ability up. Even with banshee that spawns weakspots all over the enemy it is still buggy and doesn’t always extend. Plus if you miss your weakspots you have a huge cooldown which makes it suck 100000x.
I was so hyped to put this ability on my warframes who lacked survivability in high-level missions, but they just killed it with this incredibly annoying mechanics (especially, the high cooldown).
I’d rather have something like Ash’s one, give me a relatively short duration, but allow me spam it.
EDIT: hands up to RusteeSp00n for being the only one among all to give constructive solution contrary to all the others stating the obvious or criticising me for not liking something.