I Just Got Valkyr and I'm Pissed
That her helminth ability ISN'T RIP LINE. We have a warframe(ash) that can be made to look EXACTLY LIKE BATMAN, and the ONE thing we're missing is a GRAPPLING HOOK, which is IN THA GAME, but we get WARCRY over RIP LINE??? Literally unplayable. 0/10
lol jk I've played the game for a long time, only mildly miffed that DE hadn't thought of the idea of potential batman.
Edit: after seeing the general response to this post I think somebody needs to start a petition to DE to change Valkyr's helminth.
Edit 2: actually, I have a better idea. Once they rework Valkyr, remove rip line as her first, make a new ability that meshes better with her kit, and make rip line a helminth ability that's part of the evolution levels of the helminth, like they've been saying they're gonna do with the super jump ability, which used to be excalibur's 3rd(?).