Sigh. The Yellow Bottle.


I’m 21M, 230Lbs, 6’3. Almost 5 months ago I fainted at a restaurant, since that day I’ve been having feeling of dizziness 24/7. More like derealization, as if my world is in VR mode. Grocery lights specifically make me more dizzy. Finally, my neurologist diagnosed me with vestibular migraines. Relieve to hear a name for something that I’ve been feeling for so long, yet after many tests no answer. Unfortunately, the treatment options were not pleasant. The neurologist prescribed me citalopram, 20mg dose. I said yes at the doctor visit. Once I arrived home I started researching how citalopram is a SSRI and use for the treatment of depression. Picked up the prescription today and I’m just staring at the yellow pill bottle… I don’t have depression, I don’t have anxiety. After a month of taking Vitamin D, which I was deficient, I have been feeling better… even was able to finally go to the store today and walk around like normal. Here I sit alone… not sure what to do anymore. I’ve read how SSRIs may cause PSSD, which I don’t know how a healthy 21 year old should even be having something like that.

What can I do?