We Are Not Alone. Just a Post About Initial Petitions and Active Suppression Campaign. It was Relentless.
I felt this deserves its own post. A mini-documentation of the active suppression that occurred right after the election. I have been mentioning that I had seen (and signed) a petition on change.org early on that reached over 60K signatures before it was taken down. Someone asked if I had saved a screenshot or used the wayback machine.
I hadn't used archive.org before, so I don't know what's typical. It's acting a bit strange, but here's the link to that petition from Nov 14. It says 63K on initial load of the page, but after the page is fully loaded it shows 17K signatures. By Nov 16, the petition appears deleted. The petition was started on Nov 6.
This was a different petition with 12K signatures:
There were numerous discussions (some linked below) on the somethingiswrong2024 about that original petition as well as other petitions and just general suppression. It was relentless.
See the last comment on this post (Edited to add: user says that on Nov. 15 that the petition they signed days before was at 51,517 signatures but now deleted):
And there's this:
And this:
And, this moveon.org petition that was later created was also removed. It was discussed in the post below and is not in the wayback machine. So, it's not just a change.org thing:
After those intial petitions were removed, I saw LOTS of other petitions started and struggled to gain signatures above a few hundred. It was sad and demoralizing, I'm sure, for people to see that. So, this post is for people who came to question things after that first week or so.