Im so sick of the negative people in the US.
So has it not dawned on you guys that everyone is extremely negative and SUFFOCATING lately!?. Now i know negativity has always been rampant, especially in the US but its increasingly getting so bad to the point where i lowkey dont even wanna live in this country anymore. Yes its specifically here. Especially in the south, (where i live sadly). People judge eachother so strongly over small stuff, undermine others and out themselves above other people, lack empathy, and overall alot of people here act mad funny. I have left the country and i’ve felt so much better every single time, once i get my money together i swear im ghost. Its like this heavy bad energy that hovers over so many people. Its actually insane how miserable so many people are, yet i thought this was supposed to be one of the best countries to live in the world? It certainly doesnt feel like it at all sometimes, with all this hatred. The racism is also rampant. I know this is definitely everywhere, but its like people dont even see themselves and how they treat others because of something so measly and meer like the color of a persons skin. Call me sensitive but im deadass sick of all the weird energy here. I felt far more relaxed when i was on my cruise going from country to country to see lots of different cultures and people, and seeing how well people lived in other places too, and how The US also sold us a lie on how other countries are. Its just misery here is at an all-time high and its like everyone takes it out on eachother, and i’ve distance myself from people lately because of this. I have only a few friends, and i only speak when spoken to. I usually watch and observe. I still like to go out and have fun and stuff as im only 18 years old, and im kinda a people person, spite feeling this way, ironic right? but im starting to feel really uncomfortable around large crowds of people too (mostly at parties) as things have gotten so bad, you just dont know what someones gonna do or try to pull.