Went on a night out with a female friend
(19F) I don't really like going clubbing since I'm more introverted but my friend told me that I should at least experience it while I'm still young. We already went before and everything was alright. Then we went last Saturday and it's been traumatizing.
It was a Saturday night so the whole place was so crowded and she even saw her ex and her friend that likes her. I thought she would just be cool with it but she started acting really weird and was trying to make her friend jealous by dancing and making out with her ex. Her ex's friend told me he liked me but I only took it as a compliment and we just dancing all together as chill.
I'm sorry if this would piss any of you off 😭 believe it or not I'm still too innocent
Minutes passed, her ex asked us to go to his apartment and she agreed. I just went along with it since I went with her and even if I didn't I would not have a ride back home. I don't drink but once we got to the apartment, they made me drink tequila and gin. They said everything has a first time and so I did. I got drunk that I can barely stand straight and her ex's friend was using it as an advantage. He started by just trying to assist me with walking and sat we on the couch. Later on he's getting touchy and started kissing me on the neck. I was gonna call my friend but she was in her ex's bedroom already. I couldn't do a thing since I felt like my head was spinning. Sadly, he went even further and I ended up on his bed. I can't continue any longer because the thought of it disgusts me so much.
Till this day I still feel so trashed, all I wanted was a good time with my friend but she wasn't acting so moral like the last time we went. She loved the attention of men on her to the point that when guys come to me she'd always have this weird expression on her face.
I don't even know 😭 but that's the last time I'm going out with her for sure.
I just need help to get it out of my head...