To all Character Creation experts here, I need your help in recreating my Inquisitor Lavellan in DA:V

I tried to recreate my Inquisitor Lavellan as accurately as possible to her DA:I appearance using DA:V's character creation. And let's just say... I wasn't pleased with the end result when I first met her in Minrathous. She didn't look like my Inky from DA:I at all. :(

I finished the game a few days ago and planned to repeat a few playthroughs. However, due to the backlog of games I haven't played yet, I intend on returning to DA:V in January next year if I'm not too busy with real life and able to finish the backlogged games quickly.

Here are the screenshots of my Inquisitor Lavellan in Dragon Age: Inquisition. However, I'll handle her hairstyle and scar instead.

Good luck, fellas!