Best time to be an investor
Probably, investing in our times is much more 'fun' and dangerous than it was in the past, when information about companies and macroeconomic situations was available but had less chance of being spread instantly. Now that we are all connected through social media, we have the ability to spread any news instantly, and I believe this leads investors to buy and sell much more frequently, making the market itself much more volatile, thus creating the possibility of both potential gains and losses more frequently. I think it's a good period for investors who focus on the underlying asset because, no matter what the market does, we can rely on the numbers and make our decisions in a more rational way. I believe we are at a disadvantage during periods of general euphoria because we probably don't have the same courage to put our money into highly overvalued companies, like someone who doesn’t read financial statements might. Instead, we can profit from periods of fear and market declines.