A possible end to my confusion — Sti, UTI, BV, Yeast infection, or anything else, what could it have been?
Hi guys! I remember a couple weeks back I had posted, asking for some advice on what it could've been. I decided to just cave in and go to the doctor, regardless of what it may have been.
8 hours in ER, a urine test and culture taken, blood drawn, and a CAT scan later, they told me my urine was clean lol. No BV, no yeast, STI I believe wasn't tested but then again, I haven't gotten the urine culture and blood work back. They said, results wise, it wasn't a UTI, but they gave me antibiotics anyways. They administered 10 day Keflex to me, and it's been working somewhat!! The only downside is that, I still have the frequency to pee. I'm not sure if it's in my head, but, it is a bit strange and a bit disappointing.
Does anyone know if it would be a good idea to start D-Mannose or any type of supplement to help with the urgency to pee?
Hope you all have a good day ☺️☺️☺️