Stop trying to be courteous on the road!!

I pulled into a suicide lane this week, turned on my blinker and stopped because there was traffic. Some moron from a fair distance behind me (maybe 200 yards) slowed and came to a complete stop in the middle of the road to let me in.

1) If he had just driven by, there was an opening that i could have taken. 2) Everyone behind he had to slam on their brakes or swerve. Nearly caused a wreck.

Another example:

I pulled up to an intersection where I had a stop sign but incoming traffic did not. The lady slammed on her brakes to give me an opening to turn.

1) She caused a traffic jam for the whole group. 2) Confused everyone. Just cause she stopped i couldn't just turn into on coming traffic so we all just sat there for a good 30 seconds.

What I'm trying to get at...... don't try being courteous on the roads by going against the rules of the road. Not only is it incredibly dangerous in a lot of cases, but it is inefficient and confusing for all involved.

The rules of the road are there for a reason. We drive under the assumption that people are following those rules. When people don't, it makes a mess.

That is all!