1100 connects spent but only 1 hire
I've spent 1,100 connects in all of 2024 and have been hired twice (one from proposals sent and one from a job invitation). I work full-time and use Upwork part-time only. I'm top-rated and have a 100% JSS with $3K+ earned.
When do you determine if it's not profitable for you and you should quit using the platform? So far, my ROI from direct proposal sends in 2024 has been 3.4, not considering the time spent sending these proposals.
All the proposals address the client's needs in the first line along with a free campaign audit offer (I'm in Paid Advertising btw). The second line includes my portfolio link relevant to their work, and the third line talks a little bit more about my experience.
I'm also going to lose my top-rated badge soon since my last 12-month earnings will drop below $1,000.
Here are my last 90 Days Stats:
- 34 Proposals
- 8 Viewed
- 2 Interviews
^ 15 job posts from the 90-day stats were never reopened by the clients, meaning they never looked at any of the proposals they received. These are companies with over a 70% hire rate. As for the views only boosted proposals were viewed (most of them were viewed after I was outbid, so I'm not even getting those connects back).