Things my old flat did that were genuinely insane

maybe this will make you feel better about your own flat. i now live elsewhere.

  1. this one girl would reuse the same dirty plate over and over without cleaning it. it would have dried sauce on it from multiple meals, she would bring it from her room and just load it up with the new meal. it had layers on it. layers of filth

  2. leaving raw chicken out on the counter for DAYS to defrost, eating it, getting food poisoning, throwing up on their mattress, bringing the vomit covered mattress into the KITCHEN and leaving it there until we moved out

  3. one of them decided she didn't like her room for whatever reason and started sleeping in the kitchen. she moved all her belongings into there and basically just made it into her room, completely taking over the table. she then caught the flu and proceeded to continue sleeping in the kitchen, coughing and sneezing everywhere. we all caught it too.

  4. taking the communal hoover and never returning it. ever. you had to ask this one girl to use the hoover, she would give you it, you put it back in the kitchen and she would take it straight back into her room. this was the same girl who was sleeping in the kitchen. i think the only thing in her room was the hoover. a fellow flatmate dropped a pot plant and had to live a week with a soil covered floor as this girl wasn't giving up that damn hoover.

  5. i made a cleaning rota to try and combat the complete filth in the kitchen. they never did their tasks and claimed they were too weak to empty the bins. they would still tick their names off the chart, and when i erased the ticks (bit petty i know), they scribbled out mine and my friends names and put smiley faces next to everyone else's names. most of these people were in their 20s btw. i was the youngest.

  6. bullied a girl into moving flats by acting like she didnt exist. the girl forgot to empty the bins when it was her turn once so they put all the disgusting overflowing bins outside her door. none of them had ever emptied the bins ONCE, but guess the rules didn't apply to them.

  7. dyeing their hair and leaving all the used equipment out on the kitchen counter.. as the cleaning fairy of the flat i decided to leave it there as an experiment. it stayed there until we moved out. obviously the place was a tip with piles of dirty dishes, but that's pretty standard for a uni flat.

  8. sitting in the corridor screaming until like 3am, if you asked them to be quieter they would just start talking about you really loudly.

  9. bare feet in the kitchen. always. fully knowing that floor had never seen a mop (apart from when i caved in and did it once a month)

they ended up bullying me and my friend until we moved flats too. anyway, all these girls are still friends as far as i know! so good for them! but they were the most insane group of people i have ever met. this happened at an arts uni btw. no surprises there.