ULPT REQUEST: Extremely rude customer, have her phone number, what can I do with it to make her life mildly annoying?
Long story short I'm a manager at a restaurant and just do not give a fuck anymore. This lady was beyond abusive to me and my staff; I have dealt with a LOT of extremely rude customers but this lady was unhinged. Her husband actually came by an hour later to apologize on her behalf and said she was very drunk (kind of wanted to ask him if he needed help escaping but refrained). Anyways... I would like to sign her phone number up for something that is annoying; nothing illegal or harmful but I would love to make her days mildly irritating. I've found her online as well, she is a mental health counselor for special needs children if that's relevant at all.
Edit: All I have is her name and phone number. I do not have her email and a lot of these suggestions require an email.
Edit 2: think I will wait a bit and do the AA ones. I’m leaving in a couple months anyways and maybe she’ll get the hint to get some help because I doubt I’m the only person she drunkenly threatens / verbally assaults.
Edit 3: and for people giving me ethical and emotionally sound advice to be the bigger person: why are you on this subreddit?