Anyone else in Scottish Widows work pension?
Hello, looking for advice on my work pension which is with Scottish Widows 'Money4Life'.
My employer is on a plan that automatically puts it into a SW Mercer Growth 3 CS1 fund, however considering I'm only 29 and I've got potentially 40 years until I retire, I'm looking to maximise my pension and put it in a more aggressive fund.
I had originally eyed up the SW Mercer Active GLobal Equity CS1 fund but I'm aware an active fund over a longer period of time is generally considered not the best, so I reconsidered. I also know I probably want some kind of global investments and likely not bonds, but other than that I'm fairly lost.
I'm thinking the SW Mercer High Growth 3 CS1 fund, however I'm just looking for any insights from people who are with the same pension provider, in a similar situation or if I should do anything differently or anything I should be careful of?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Edit 1: I've also just found the SW Mercer Passive Overseas Equity CS1 which looks aggressive but with a very small fund charge of 0.085%, any reason this is a bad idea?