How to stop obsessing over my finances and live life less money focused?
Hi everyone, I (f31) had a roller coaster with my finances over the last few years, I have gone from being in debt 15k from bad decisions to now being debt free, responsible with money with a large and growing savings account.
My issue is that around half of my waking day is worrying/recounting/planning for the future, I think this comes from a place of anxiety due to having no support system.
Has anyone else been in the same position and have any advice? Even if things are going well for me, thinking about money and constantly worrying for NO reason is getting the better of me and is consuming me. Im checking my spreadsheets and bank every hour. its embarrassing and would like the compulsions to stop. How do you take your mind of money?
Edit: I might not have a support system but I do have hobbies, friends, events, interests… it’s just the finance side a