“There is a paradigm shift needed” - Rima Oueid - Senior Commercialization Executive, US Department of Energy

This point seems to have been missed. A SENIOR DOE official on this panel endorses and supports divesting this tech into the private sectors hand.

On Episode 69 of The Ecosystemic Future Podcast, a panel including Hal Puthoff appeared on this podcast, wherein the panel literally confirms that the phenomenon exist and is being researched.

Toward the end of the podcast at 1:53:00 DOE Representative Rima Oueid goes even further discussing the coming paradigm shift and getting this tech into investors hands.

This is… stunning. The DOE, the long rumored gatekeeper is openly endorsing this idea.

This means one of 2 things to me - they really haven’t figured anything out OR the military has already gotten all the use they can out of it and now they’re disclosing for public use.

Link to Rima’s page - https://www.energy.gov/technologytransitions/person/rima-kasia-oueid

Link to Podcast -https://open.spotify.com/episode/4aeD4stC8Ha4cXm0vUfgIa?si=V0W-REpXRqy1VSPOzv1Kcw&t=7080&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A2FgHHOVdu9dJIgMcreJPOl