Would you participate in a "Don't Buy In" day?
We're all aware that the people at the "top" get their money/power from us. Amazon, Apple, Meta et al all go into billionaire pockets and cycle right back around to bite us in the ass.
The problem is the sheer AMOUNT of people I see at protests/working for equality et al with Starbucks cups in their hands, new fast fashion on their backs and an Amazon package waiting at home is....imo, egregious.
I know all corporations are garbage, and it's hard to pick from the best of worst options, but it really hurts my heart to see passionate people who want to improve the world talking the talk and immediately walking it back with their wallet. I hear it all the time:
- "I try not to buy from (business)" (Unless you HAVE to, or because it's easier?)
- "You can't win with everything" (Why choose nothing, then?)
- "It doesn't matter" (To you, or to the people you're supporting?)
To my point, would anyone be interested in participating in a “Don't Buy In” day? One day to pause your subscriptions, not buy from corporates, turn off your social media and for just one day, not contribute to the problem?
We all try to do this, I'm sure. Even a little. But it's staggered and unpredictable. Wouldn't it be more effective to pick one day (without a shopping holiday approaching) for people to give it a go?
We need to stop funding their bread and circuses. Protests are essentially useless now, even more so if you stop at Starbucks or Home Depot on the way home.
I've heard some chatter about a potential national protest day, but this isn't a protest. It's a BOYCOTT. And they don't seem to specify a day/time, just overall. Sorry, but not everyone can afford that....why not start with a specific date?
So my tl;dr question is: Would you participate? Do you think it's a good idea? All opinions (shared with respect) welcome!