I’m tired of him, I need some advice…

Hi everyone, I just need some advice. I’ve been married for about 3.5 years, but at this point I’m just tired.

For more context: When my husband (29M) and I (26F) started dating, I told him that I can do anything in the house but something I hate to deal with clothes (wash, fold, iron) and I left that clear. At the very beginning of our marriage he was helpful.

After these years, now I have to work 8-10 hours a day and he wfh but most of the day he’s sleeping and doesn’t do anything around the house. As soon as he’s done with work at 3:30 pm, he would go to his parent’s house (yes, every single day). I don’t have any issues for him to visit his family, but at least help me around the house, since I get home a little bit later. After he comes from the his parent’s house, he doesn’t do anything either, he just starts to play Xbox or PS4. I have to cook, clean and all of that plus I have to pay half of everything in the house, and not only that, he also have the audacity to get mad when I don’t want to have intimacy with him. Not only to mention that I serve in his parent’s church as well and we always there.

When we have conversations about this topic, he just gets mad and saying that he’s tired of me, that I’m the one who doesn’t do anything and frustrates me because I’ve try everything in my power to make him happy and maintain the house as clean as possible, paying my bills on time, providing warm food for him and all that.

I would love to go back to school but with this situation, only thinking about it is really overwhelming for me. I really don’t know what to do, I feel like is not fair for me to do all of this. I’m really tired.