Locations in video game that make you feel...uneasy

Has there ever been a time where you're playing a game and you reach an area that just makes you feel off? I'm not talking about levels where the gameplay is bad, I'm talking about just pure vibes. From either having an uncomfortable atmosphere, the quality of the level is significantly lower than what you'd see from the rest of the game, or depending on the game's story, it could be somewhere that something bad happened.

A popular example I've seen around would be Wet Dry World from Super Mario 64 having a "negative aura", which I totally agree that it does. Though personally I feel like that has more to do with it just being a badly designed level. I'd at least be interested to explore that level, cause there's aspects to it that I find fascinating, to the point that it's eeriness is kind of strangely charming.

I'm talking about levels that you just don't want to be in, levels that you want to get through as quickly as possible so you hopefully never have to see them again.

For me it's any of the caves in Fallout 3/NV. I just hate how cramped and slimy they look. You get so up close to the cave walls that I feel like I have to wipe off a thick layer of grease off of myself after I'm done exploring them. And if that's not bad enough, there's also all the random holes in the walls that look like they'd totally have enemies come out of them if the developers had the proper time to implement that feature.

How about you guys? Any levels that you just can't stand?

Otherwise I hope y'all have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Edit: forgot to mention but bonus points if the location is somewhere that isn't intended to be creepy/offputting