Annoyed with fertility doctors
Hey everyone, I just needed a place to vent for a second!
My husband and I have been TTC since January of 2023. We started seeing a fertility doctor in July and found out I have PCOS and my husband just got results from a semen analysis showing his sperm count at 5mil and motility at 17%. The doctor recommended we pursue IVF. Now we don’t mind pursuing that, but it’s so expensive! So our plan was to have my husband see a urologist and to also have him start a bunch of supplements that have had studies show to improve sperm count and motility. We were going to give the supplements a few months to work and continue trying at home while we save money for IVF if all else fails.
HOWEVER, I also struggle with ovulation and have been taking letrozole. I called my doctor’s office today to see if I can continue to take letrozole with timed intercourse in the meantime. And the nurse told me they probably won’t continue to prescribe it because my husband’s numbers are so low!!! How does that make any sense?! They’re like oh you have a low chance of getting pregnant, why don’t we make your chances even lower and just not let you ovulate! I’m so frustrated, and I just feel like they’re trying to push IVF on us even though we want to try improving the numbers before then. Ugh!
Update: The doctors office called back. They are recommending a specific urologist that specializes in reproductive health. And so we should hear back about getting an appointment scheduled in the next couple days. He also said that they will let me take letrozole this upcoming cycle, but then they want to wait on what the urologist says before I can take it again.