Embarrassing things i did during a psychotic episode

My 22f husband 25m has been an abusive alcoholic for a few years now, looking back it was a huge mistake to marry him.This year he's put me through a lot he had to spend a week in jail and got felony charges that ruined our dream six figure career. Then everything all came to a head when he cheated on me with a coworker, then showed a pic of her to his friend and he said she was hotter than me which really hurt my feelings because I thought me and this friend were cool.

After he cheated I begged him to block her and something in me snapped that day. The next morning I get the most insane idea ever, I look at the girl my husband cheated on me with and my manic ass says well she is really attractive what if I text her and ask her to join our marriage. I texted her so pathetically and she was creeped out. Ugh face palm

Then I delusionally make a craigslist ad describing my ideal partner, a man messages I give him my number and i start falling in love and getting attached. Well turns out he's 67 and I'm literally 22 but I don't stop messaging him. He tells me he's married but is willing to leave his whole family for me. I'm just so delusionally in love with this old man and to make matters worse he has a son that's 22 as well. We dated off and on he's screwing with my head keeps saying bye but then texts me a week later and I insanely go back because I'm so "in love". Well I finally blocked him after two months of it and now I look at his FB pictures and literally cringe and gag so so badly because we talked about meeting up and that would've been horrifying and looking back now I could never interact with an old man like that in person.

I have a alt FB account with a bunch of random people around my age with similar interests even one person i knew from middle school and I have a couple real photos of me on there, during this psychotic break I would get drunk nearly every night and post the most deranged things but none of the people unfriended me surprisingly, some of them have actually commented on my post saying I hope whatever your going through gets better and people have reached out which they had good intentions but I feel bad because I messaged them insane drunk things I'm very surprised they haven't blocked me.

I've saved the best for last, this is absolutely terrible. So we recently moved into this house and one of the previous residents is a 25 year old female with similar interests to me, I started stalking her Facebook and then one night I get super drunk and my husband brings home a can of galaxy gas and I literally go out of my mind and add her and send her a message basically admitting that I've been stalking her and that I want to be her friend, I was so overly nice to her and she took advantage of it fully. And now coming out of it I don't even like her as a person and I added her on my real socials and I kinda want to just block her on everything because the situation is really awkward and my psychosis just fantasized a friendship because I've been so alone and isolated I haven't had friends in years