My trumptard coworkers are PISSED after the debate 🍿

So I listened to their conversation this morning, and I’ll paraphrase a little of what they said for your entertainment:

Coworker 1: Did you watch the shit show last night?

Coworker 2: Well, I watched about the first 5 minutes of it, then I had to turn it off because it was pissing me off.

Coworker 1: Kamala was making shit up!

Coworker 2: Well the thing that made me mad was that stupid reporter bitch, whatever her name is, [something something abortion]

Coworker 1: The thing about it is, they fact checked trump FIVE times! You know how many times they fact checked Kamala!? ZERO!

Coworker 2: Well they asked Kamala a question about [something] and she never did answer it.

Coworker 1: You know, they found out after the debate that she was wearing some [Nova?] bluetooth [ear rings?].

Coworker 2: Yeah that’s the only way .. she knew what to say.

Those are the details I could remember. I’m a white dude in his mid 40s surrounded by full-blown trumptards, so I have to stay incognito to avoid a hostile work environment. I hope they don’t ask me anything about politics, because they aren’t going to like what I have to say. I think they just assume I’m one of them because I’m a middle aged white guy. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Kamala did an amazing job last night in the debate and I’m damned proud of her.


Grammar - That’s the details -> Those are the details

Also, apologies for using "tard" at the end. I can see how that would be offensive to some.